

Anti-cellulite Bubble-in (2 sizes)

Anti-cellulite Bubble-in (2 sizes)

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The handy tool for dealing with cellulite

Cellulite is caused by, among other things, poor blood circulation, which causes the skin layers, connective tissue and fatty cells to stick together hence becoming the characteristic orange peel skin.
The Indemne Bubble-in a cupping tool that helps to rigorously massage the upper layers of the skin and connective tissues so that the blood circulation is stimulated as well as the lymph drainage is promoted resulting in the skin getting its natural elasticity back and becoming.
It comes in three packs:

  • Regular -very suitable for treating small areas efficiently, such as upper arms and stomach
  • Big - recommended to deal with larger surfaces and / or serious forms of cellulite such as buttocks and legs

The Bubble-in can be used on all areas of the body where cellulite is present.
In addition, these cupping tools can also be used after the workout or during the recovery days to release the connective tissue.

How to use

  • lubricate the skin you want to treat carefully with the Indemne Gimme smooth slimming lotion
  • place the Bubble-in on the skin and press it together so that a vacuum is created (the skin is sucked in)
  • make dynamic movements (up/down/zigzag) over the skin without losing the vacuum
  • take the time for this massage (at least 5 minutes per zone)
  • preferably twice a day, for 8 weeks

Material: silicone
   Big: H8 x D6cm
   Regular: H5 x D5cm