Maidal nuts for a relaxing and calming atmosphere
These dried nuts of the Catunaregam spinosa have the special property of having a wonderful soothing effect when roasted and that is why they are sometimes called dream nuts in the region of origin (South Asia).
They are best burned just before going to sleep and would give a quiet night without nightmares.
Whole nuts Catunaregam spinosa.
The scent starts as a light and sweet straw scent that later becomes heavier and tends to scent as burnt straw, ending in a warm, earthy scent.
The special scent is ideal for creating a pleasant, soothing and calming atmosphere.
It is the perfect incense to burn later in the day, ideal just before bedtime where it gives a good night's sleep with gentle dreams.
To be burned on a charcoal tablet, but the nuts must first be reduced with eg a mortar; whole notes or large pieces burn more difficult and do not always produce the desired effect. You also don't need many pieces of nut to have an effect.
Content: 5 whole nuts