

Cathedral church incense (500 grams)

Cathedral church incense (500 grams)

Model: VM0410
EAN: SKU_315837
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Authentic Christian incense

Based on old recipes developed by the monks, this blend of pure frankincense and natural oils has its own distinctive fragrance and aromas, easily recognizable as Christian incense.

Cathedral has a refreshing and enlighting effect, with a scent that appeals to everybody.
Therefor this incense is suited for a broad range of applications.

500 grams of incense

Additional information

Prinknash Monastary

The Benedictine Monks of Prinknash Abbey (Glouchester, UK) have been blending incense since 1906, when the community was on Caldey Island and are now the oldest major incense blenders in Europe.
The monks developed unique processes for blending the purest Arabian frankincense with precious aromatic oils and spices and created superior recipes for a range of incenses.
Consistent excellence ensures that each blend has its regular devoted customers.

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